Addiction Guarantee

Addiction Guarantee

We handpick the best activities in the best locations and staff them with audited, professional and experienced leaders. We are so we’re confident you’ll have an amazing time we are prepared to guarantee it.

Instead of lots of complicated rules and small print, we prefer a bit of good old fashioned honesty!

Here’s how it works:

If you feel let down by the experience or service you received, simply contact us. We’ll gather all the details from you, then talk to everyone involved and validate the problems and understand where things went wrong.

If something has gone wrong that we could have avoided or was within our control, we will offer you an immediate place on another trip of the same duration totally free of charge.

To help us ensure that the policy works properly and fairly we ask you to try and address the problem in the first instance on you trip with your guide or leader. It’s very difficult for us to establish what has gone wrong if the issues aren’t highlighted at the time.

If you feel on your return that you need to make a claim on this guarantee we offer then please send a quick explanatory email to It will be dealt with immediately by one of our directors and with no long winded hoops to jump through.